1. Nandiya Thera. He belonged to a Sākiyan family of Kapilavatthu, and was called Nandiya because his birth brought bliss. He left the world at the same time as Anuruddha, Kimbila and the others, and he soon attained arahantship. Thereafter he dwelt with his companions in the Pācīnavamsamigadāya (Vin.i.350f. It was to them that the Upakkilesa Sutta was preached, M.iii.155. Later, they seem to have lived in the Gosingasālavana, M.i.205). It is said that Marā appeared before him in a terrible form, but Nandiya drove him away.
In the time of Padumuttara Buddha, Nandiya built an altar of sandalwood at the Buddha's cetiya and held great celebrations. Fifteen kappas ago Nandiya was eight times born as king under the name of Samatta (Samagga) (Thag.25; ThagA.82f.) He is probably identical with Saparivāriya of the Apadāna (i.172).
According to the Mahāvastu (iii.177) Nandiya (Nandika) was the son of Sukrodana.
He was a special friend of Kimbila. ThagA.i.276.
2. Nandiya. A Sākiyan layman, evidently to be distinguished from the above. He visited the Buddha at the Nigrodhārāma in Kapilavatthu and had a discussion with him on the different kinds of Ariyan disciple, the one who dwells in remissness and the one who is earnest (S.v.397ff.; see also p. 403). Later, when the Buddha returned to Sāvatthi for the rainy season, Nandiya also went there, finding some business to do, and from time to time he visited the Buddha. At the end of the rains, when the Buddha and the monks were about to start on tour, Nandiya went to the Buddha and was taught the eleven conditions which lead to the destruction of evil. A.v.334ff.
3. Nandiya. A householder of Benares. He was very pious and looked after his parents. When they wished him to marry Revatī, he refused because she belonged to a family of unbelievers. But when Revatī offered to help Nandiya in all his work, he agreed and they were married. When Nandiya's parents died, leaving him very rich, he used the money to feed the poor and needy. Later he built a quadruple hall in the great monastery at Isipatana and furnished it with great splendour. On the day of its dedication to the Buddha and the monks, as the water of donation fell on the Buddha's hand, there arose in Tāvatimsa a celestial mansion, measuring twelve leagues in each direction, for Nandiya's use. During one of Moggallāna's visits to Tāvatimsa he saw this mansion, and was told by many nymphs that they were awaiting Nandiya's arrival (DhA.iii.290ff). The Vimāna Vatthu Commentary (VvA.222f ) goes on to say that after a life devoted to good deeds Nandiya died, and was born in his celestial mansion, and that Revatī, on the death of her husband, stopped the gifts of alms, abused the monks, and was cast alive into the Ussada niraya by the orders of Vessavana.
4. Nandiya. A Paribbājaka who visits the Buddha at Jetavana and asks him the conditions for the attainment of nibbana. The Buddha teaches him the Noble Eightfold Path. S.v.11.
5. Nandiya. The Bodhisatta born as a monkey. For his story see the Cūla Nandiya Jātaka (J.ii.199ff.). He is also called Mahā Nandiya to distinguish him from his brother.
6. Nandiya. The Bodhisatta born as a deer. See the Nandiyamiga Jātaka. J.iii.270ff.
7. Nandiya. A king of sixteen kappas ago; a former birth of Tilamutthidāyaka. Ap.i.235
1. Nandiya Sutta. The Paribbājaka Nandiya (see Nandiya 4) visits the Buddha and is instructed in the Noble Eightfold Path. S.v.11.
2. Nandiya Sutta. The Sākiyan Nandiya (Nandiya 2) visits the Buddha and learns the difference between the Ariyan disciple who is remise and the one who is earnest. S.v.397ff.
3. Nandiya Sutta. Nandiya, the Sākiyan, is taught by the Buddha hat the Ariyan disciple who is possessed of unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha, and who has the Ariyan qualities, is bound for enlightenment. S.v.403.
4. Nandiya Sutta. Relates the visit of Nandiya, the Sākiyan (Nandiya 2) to Sāvatthi, to be near the Buddha, and the instruction he receives from the Buddha at the end of the rainy season. A.v.334ff.