1. Sekha Sutta. A pupil is one who is under training in the higher morality, the higher thought and the higher insight. A.i.231.

2. Sekha Sutta. On five things leading to decline in a monk's training: delight in business, in gossip, in sleeping, in company, and want of reflection on the mind as freed. A.iii.116.

3. Sekha Sutta. The same as (2) above, but in greater detail under each head. A.iii.117f.

4. Sekha Sutta. On six things which lead to failure in a monk's training: delight in worldly activity, in talk, in sleep, in company, want of restraint in the senses, immoderate eating. A.iii.329.

5. Sekha Sutta. On seven things: the six given in sutta (4), to which is added inattention to business of the Order. A.iv.24.

6. Sekha Sutta. The learner (sekha) is one imperfectly possessed of right view, etc. S.iv.14.

7. Sekha Sutta. A detailed explanation of the difference between a learner (sekka) and an adept (asekha). S.v.229f.

8. Sekha Sutta. Preached by Ananda at Kapilavatthu, in the new Mote hall of the Licchavis. The Buddha preached until late into the night and then asked Ananda, to continue, suggesting to him as a topic the training of an adept (asekha). Ananda explained in detail how a monk could be virtuous, watchful over his senses, temperate in eating, vigilant, established in the seven virtuous qualities (faith, etc.), and be able at will to induce the four jhānas. M.i.353ff.

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