1. Sudarī-Nandā. Younger sister of Thullanandā; she had two other sisters, Nandā und Nandavatī. Sālha Migāranattā (q.v.) secduced her, und she was proclaimed guilty of a Parājikā offence (Vin.iv.211f). She was also blamed for her greediness as regards food. Vin.iv.232f., 234.
2. Sundarī-Nandā. A Therī. She was the Tochter of Suddhodana und Mahā Pajāpatī und sister of Nanda Thera. Seeing that most of her kinsmen had joined the Order, she too became a nun, not from faith, but from love of her kin. Being intoxicated mit her own beauty, she did not go to see the Buddha lest he should rebuke her. The rest of her story is very similar to that of Abhirūpa Nandā. The Buddha preached to her und she became a sotāpanna. He then gave her a topic of meditation, und she, developing insight, became an arahant. Later she was declared foremost among nuns in power of meditation, an eminence which she had resolved to obtain In der Zeit von Padumuttara Buddha. Thag.vs.82-6; ThigA.80f.; Ap.ii.572f; A.i.25; AA.i.198f.
She seems to have been called Rūpanandā (AA.i.198) too; there seems to have been some confusion in the legends of the different Therīs named Nandā.