Curing method for Aids and cancer diseases by yourself


How to overcome Cancer Disease


            Cancer is one of the extremely dangerous diseases for which we do not have any absolutely perfect method to cure yet. Even the causes of some cancers, which can occur in all parts of the human body, have not been determined. We have only assumptions of the causes of cancer and can only observe its results. In most cases, the patients will be treated by surgically removing the cancerous tissue from the body.

            One of the valuable outcomes which one would gain from practising the doctrine is a cure for cancer. No matter what stage of the disease the patients are in, they do not have to have any operations to remove any part of any organ. The patients will be the ones who cure themselves, as in the following discussion. However, we have to learn the real cause of this disease first.


Causes of Cancer


            By practising the doctrine, we find that the energy in this world that we gain from the sun can be divided into two main categories; "Energy of Birth" and "Energy of Extinction". These two terms of energy may be unknown to you, but they will be defined here. It is difficult to explain and get one to understand these two energies. However, in order to get the idea of how these two energies work, we can use the following example: when a person wakes up, the body will suddenly have the "Energy o Birth" to stimulate the cells in every part of the human body. The person will be able to think to move and do any activities as usual until the body wants to take a rest or sleep. At this stage, the "Energy of Extinction" will do its duty. The cells in ever part of the body will slow down, the brain will relax and perhaps stop thinking. The mind itself will rest and the person will fall asleep without knowing. The "Energy of Extinction" will do its duty until it reaches a maximum point, then it will be the turn of the "Energy of Birth". These two types of energy rotate all the time. However, most of mankind does not know what they are and from where they come.

            By nature, both animals and humans will have a balance of these ener­gies. This balance helps in maintaining the life of the cells in the body, making them healthy, strong and allowing them to reproduce normally. However, when the "Energy of Birth" and "Energy of Extinction" are not in balance, such as when the "Energy of Extinction" is more than the "Energy of Birth", the cell in some parts of the body will die, poisoning others and finally they become cancerous.

            How can the Energy of Birth be destroyed? One obvious example of how the Energy of Birth can be destroyed is the result of what scientists are doing at the present time regarding the use of nuclear energy and atomic bomb. The Energy of Extinction exists in certain types of elements or minerals, such as uranium and plutonium. Some of these minerals have been used to create nuclear weapons which are extremely powerful and destructive. As the result of firing an atomic bomb, there will be a chain reaction, causing neutrons to burst from the nuclei of some atoms and to strike against the nuclei of other atoms, breaking them and releasing more neutrons. This chain reaction will create an extremely powerful release of energy. If you are in your highest concentration stage of mind (a very delicate stage), you will find that this reaction is distributing the Energy of Extinction that will destroy the Energy of Birth in the atmosphere. As a result, everything on earth, including all the living things will be destroyed. The Energy of Extinction, when it enters one's own body (either human, animal or plant), will damage all the cells in that body, to the point at which the weakened cells will not be able to regain the Energy of Birth any more. Finally, the weak cells will die. Another factor that helps to accelerate the process is cell poisoning. When we eat some toxic chemical, such as a food preservative, insect pesticide residue in fruit and vegetables, nicotine from cigarettes, etc., these chemicals will accumulate in the cell and increase the damage zone. This obvious cause of cancer is known and more or less can be explained by medical scientists. However, these two important energies, the Energy of Birth and Energy of Extinction are still mysterious and unknown to them.


Curing Method for Cancer


            The only person who will be able to effectively cure cancer is the patient himself/herself. This is because of a imbalance in the Energy of Birth and Energy of Extinction explained earlier.

            The following principle which we are going to discuss has been used to cure more than 35 patients from cancer at different stages of the disease. The patients do not have to have the highest point of concentration of mind. In­stead they need to know how to concentrate and make every effort to meditate Once the real cause of the disease is known, it will be cured effectively. Using this method, the patients do not have to have surgery to remove the cancerous tissues. Besides, the operation do not guarantee 100% success.

            For this method of curing cancer, the patients have to meditate and concentrate to draw the Energy of Birth from the sunlight to cure the damaged cells in the body. The following are the steps that the patients have to follow:

            1) The patients, first, will close their eyes and imagine the sun. As the patients inhale, they should concentrate on sunshine that has a bright yellow colour, letting the light flow into their brains together at the same time as when they breathe in. A cycle of breathing in and out for one second should be observed, but the patients should not concentrate on the exhalation. In this way, the energy from the sunlight will gradually be accumulated in the brain. After the patients have been doing this for some time, they will feel that their brains are heavier and heavier. This is the sign that the energy has been stored in their brains.


            2) The patients now should stop concentrating on the sun and instead aim at the cancerous tissues.


            3) In this step, the patients return their concentration back to their brains where they previously stored the energy from the sunlight and then transfer the stored energy to the cancerous tissues that they previously aimed at in step 2. Amazingly, the stored energy will immediately be directed against the diseased cells. At the same time, the patients will be able to see the cancer tissue as they would see them in an X-ray film. If it is at an early stage, it will appear as a dark purple spot. If it is in a more serious stage, the patients will not see any spot, but instead will see only a dark purple colour over a large area. This phenomena can be explain based on the fact that the cancerous cells which were missing the Energy of Birth will try to balance the excess amount of Energy of Extinction by absorbing the Energy of Birth which, in this case, has been temporarily stored in the patients' brains. Because of this balance of natural activity, all patients with can­cerous cells will immediately detect this amazing reaction described above even without having a greatly concentrated mind. Therefore, for a well person who normally has a well balance of energy, this phenomena will not occur.


            4) When the patients see the cancerous cells' location(s), they should remember it in their minds. The next step is to concentrate at the sun again and bring in the sunlight or Energy of Birth to their bodies with their in­halations but this time transfer it directly to the cancerous tissues. Do not store the energy in the brain as described in step 1. The timing cycle is the same as before, equal to one second. By nature, the energy from the sunlight which is the Energy of Birth will try to aim at the cancerous tissue by it­self. After a while, the patients will feel the parts of their bodies that have cancer becoming warm and a rotten smell will be present with each ex­halation.


            5) The above steps must be repeated until the cancer has been cured. That is, the purplish spot or area of cancerous cells will disappear, which the patients themselves can see and know through their minds.

            If the patients' minds become tired and they cannot concentrate on the sun any longer, they will fall asleep. Let them sleep for a while, until they naturally wake up. Once awake, have the patients concentrate and repeat all the steps again until the area(s) of cancerous cells become smaller and smaller and eventually are cured or completely disappear.


Important Caution


            1) When using this method to cure cancer the patients should contin­uously examine themselves to check whether the cancer has disappeared. When they find that the cancer has been cured, they should stop transferring the energy from the sun into the body immediately. Otherwise, the Energy of Birth and the Energy of Extinction will not balance and the patients will return to the previous situation again.


            2) If you are a well person, do not try to increase the Energy of Birth from the sun for your body, especially for helping other ill persons. The patients who do not have a good balance of energies must be the ones who cure this themselves. The reason behind this is that all living things on earth including human beings have equal quantities of these two energies. Whenever living things gain more or lose some of either energy, it will cause them trouble with cancerous cells or other types of diseases that we have not described in this book.

            Naturally, in our universe these two energies are limited and well-balanced. Therefore, whenever a well energy-balanced person try to gain more Energy of Birth from the sun, he/she will immediately cause two problems:

            a) unbalance of these two energies in his/her own body, and

            b) theft of the Energy of Birth from other persons or living creatures.


            With these in mind, if you are well, never try to collect more Energy of Birth in your body. If you do, you may seriously suffer because you are violating the law of nature of the universe. This mysterious theory has already been proven to be true and can be proven again to anyone, if necessary.




            This is the first time that this mysterious, invaluable knowledge has been introduced. The ultimate objective is to help release the suffering of all mankind with AIDS and/or cancer. Meanwhile, it also can help well people to understand the true causes of these diseases and how to properly prevent from contracting them.

            As far as we know, there is no absolute method to cure AIDS and cancer diseases because the actual causes of them are due to the loss of unknown energy which is provided by the greatest energy source of our planet, the sun. However, it was discovered that at one stage of practising the Lord Buddha's doctrines, one will have a real concentration of one's mind and will have the ability to examine the causes and also find the proper way to cure those diseases.

            Some people, perhaps you who have read this book may find that this is an unbelievable or even impossible story, especially when they found some new terms that they have not heard before, such as "Inert Light", "Energy of Birth", or "Energy of Extinction". Whether you will believe it or not is not a great concern. However, one simple thing that you can do now is to have your mind open and consider these simple facts: even scientists accept that there are many things in this universe and on our planet that are far beyond our power of comprehension. Some of them we cannot even see, touch or feel them, but we know that they exist. Some of them have not been discovered, but some have been, often times without sufficient knowledge to explain or understand them. As long as you do not understand everything, any new discovery or theory is always possible.

            No matter what you believe, one thing that you may do, if you are a patient, is to try to practice and cure the deadly diseases. This will be the proof for yourself. Please be cautious; do not forget the warning messages presented previously in this book. Always remember that whenever you want to use any sharp and powerful weapon you have to be well-trained and know how to properly handle it. Otherwise, you could harm yourself.

            For any patients who have been cured by this method should maintain or continue with the practice, never giving up the effort of studying the doctrine, following the guidance of Buddhism until you can find the right stage of mind where your mind goes beyond the untruth and misconception or delusion of this planet. Eventually, you will see and understand the true nature of all materials and living things on earth including yourself. Those immortal facts will tell you who you really are and what you should do for the rest of your present life.


            "Once you have discovered these immortal facts, please try to help release your friends and other people from their present suffering lives due to those frightening, deadly diseases and all delusion of the earth planet".


This is the only request that we ask from you.

 Home Oben Zurueck Voraus

September 11, 1991