The name given to the discourse preached by the Buddha at Gayāsīsa in Gayā, after his conversion of the Tebhātikajatilā (Uruvela Kassapa, Nadī Kassapa and Gayā Kassapa).
Everything is burning: the eye, the eye-consciousness (cakkhuviññāna), and the contact of the eye with objects (cakkhu-samphassa), and the sensations that arise there form. It is the same with the other senses: they are aflame with lust, anger, ignorance and the anxieties of birth, decay, death, etc.; knowing this, the follower of the Noble Eightfold Path feels revulsion towards them and divests himself of passion for them and ultimately attains supreme freedom.
At the end of the discourse the thousand monks, erstwhile jatilas, who had been listening, became arahants (Vin.i.34-5; J.i.82; iv.180).
It is said that the Adittapariyāya was preached on the Pitthipāsāna at Gayāsīsa (AA.i.166; ThagA.i.435). This is the third recorded address of the Buddha.
It is also called the Āditta Sutta. (See Āditta Sutta 3).