1. Ākāsa Sutta.-A conversation between Sāriputta and Ananda at Sāvatthi on the attainment of and dwelling in the sphere of the infinity of space (S.iii.237). The full title of the Sutta should be ākāsānañcāyatana.
2. Ākāsa Sutta.-Just as divers winds blow in the sky, in different directions - hot, cool, dustless, etc. - so in the body arise divers feelings. S.iv.218.
3. Ākāsa Sutta.-Moggallāna tells the monks how he won the power of dwelling in the realm of infinite space (āhāsānañcāyatana). S.iv.266.
4. Ākāsa Sutta.-Just as divers winds blow in the sky, so when a monk cultivates the Noble Eightfold Path, the satipatthānas, the sammappadhānas, the iddhipādas, the, indriyas, the balers and the bojjhangas reach fulfilment. S.v.49.