1. Anicca Sutta (see also Yadanicca Sutta).-Preached at Sāvatthi; all khandhas are impermanent. S.iii.21.

2. Anicca Sutta.-Preached at Sāvatthi, in reply to a monk's question. S.iii.21.

3. Anicca Sutta.-At Sāvatthi, preached in reply to Rādha’s questions (S.iii.195).

4. Anicca Sutta.-Same as (3); desire for what is impermanent should be repelled. S.iii.199.

5. Anicca Sutta.-Same as (4). S.iii.200.

6. Anicca Sutta.-All the external senses are impermanent. S.iv.1-2.

7. Anicca Sutta.-The same. Personal senses, past, present and future, are impermanent. S.iv.3-4.

8. Anicca Sutta.-On the impermanence of external sense-perceptions. S.iv.5.

9. Anicca Sutta.-All is impermanent (S.iv.28).

10. Anicca Sutta.-All feeling, pleasant, painful and neutral is impermanent. S.iv.214.

11. Anicca Sutta.-The idea of impermanence, if cultivated, is beneficial (S.v.132).

1. Anicca Vagga.-The second chapter of the Khanda Samyutta. S.iii.21-5.

2. Anicca Vagga.-The first chapter of the Salāyatana Samyutta. S.iv.1-6.

3. Anicca Vagga.-The fifth chapter of the same. S.iv.25-30.

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