1. Araham Sutta.-Would an arahant by speaking of "I" and "mine" show thereby proneness to notions of self or soul? The Buddha says "No." He would thereby only conform to common usage in such matters (S.i.14-15). Buddhaghosa says that the question was asked by a forest devatā who had heard forest-dwelling arahants talk thus. She was worried by the question as to whether they had any "māna" at all. SA.i.41.

2. Araham Sutta.-An arahant is one who has really seen the arising, ending, etc., of the five grasping groups (upādānakkhandhā). S.iii.161.

3. Araham Sutta.-That noble disciple is released by perfect insight (sammadaññā) who has really seen the satisfaction in, the misery of, the escape from, the five indriyas. S.v.194.

4. Araham Sutta.-The monk who has really seen the arising, the perishing, etc., as above (S.v.194).

5. Araham (or Buddha) Sutta.-It is by the cultivation of the four iddhi-padā that the Tathāgata is called Arahant or Fully Enlightened One (S.v.257).

6. Araham Sutta.-Arahants, fully enlightened ones, have full understanding of the four Ariyan truths as they really are. S.v.433.

7. Araham Sutta.-Six qualities requisite for arahantship. A.iii.421.

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