1. Cūlābhaya.-King of Ceylon (92-93 A.C.). He was the son of Amandagāmani and built the Cūlagallakavihāra. Sivalī was his younger sister. Mhv.xxxv.12-14; Dpv.xxi.39f.

2. Cūlābhaya.-A Thera who taught the Vinaya in Ceylon. Vin.v.3; Sp.i.63.

3. Cūlābhaya.-A Thera of Ceylon and a well-known commentator; he was known as Tipitaka-Cūlābhaya. He is several times quoted in the Commentaries (E.g., VibhA.11, 16; Vsm.69, 394, 397). He had a prodigious memory. Once he shut three of the gates of Anurādhapura, allowing only one door for the use of those leaving the city. As each person went out he asked his name, and each of these names he was able to repeat when the owner returned in the evening to the city (DA.ii.530). He was a contemporary of Cūlanāga (DhsA.230; SA.iii.206), with whom he held discussions. His description (given at the Lohapāsāda) (DA.ii.442) of the details connected with the first words uttered by the Buddha after his birth, and the manner in which he walked, is accepted as authentic. He once went with a company of monks on a pilgrimage to Nāgadīpa. On the way he stayed in a monastery. One of his followers, who lacked self-control, made friends with another of like temperament in the vihāra, and Cūlābhaya, seeing them laugh aloud, pointed out how truly the Buddha had said in the Dhātusamyutta that like joins with like. VibhA.457f.

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