1. Dappula.-Second son of Mahātissa and Sanghasivā, his brothers being Aggabodhi and Maniakkhika. Among his sons was Mānavamma, and it was with his help that he became King Dappula I. on the death of Kassapa II. But he reigned in Anurādhapura for only seven days, after which Hatthadātha (Dāthopatissa II.) captured the throne. Dappula thereupon retired to Rohana and ruled as king there for three years (650-3 A.C.). His wife was the daughter of Silādātha (Silāmeghavanna) (Cv.xlv, 16-22, 36ff, 51ff). Dappula was a very pious follower of the Buddha and erected many vihāras, repaired others, and made an image of Metteyya, fifteen cubits high. (For details of his doings see Cv.xli.53ff). He died from grief at the death of his son Mānavamma, who was killed by Hatthadātha.
2. Dappula.-Nephew of Aggabodhi VI. When Mahinda II. succeeded Aggabodhi VII. Dappula rose against him, but, in spite of several attempts, failed to overcome him. He thereupon retired to Rohana where he ruled, having formed a treaty with Mahinda. Some time later, he made another attempt to win the throne and fought to fierce battle at Mahāummāra, where he was defeated and forced to flee (CV.xlviii.90, 98, 109, 122, 125, 131, 155f).
3. Dappula.-Younger brother of Aggabodhi VIII., whom he succeeded to the throne as Dappula II, (812 - 28 A.C.). He had a senāpati called Vajira and a daughter named Devā. His sister was married to Mahinda, ruler of Rohana, and Dappula adopted Mahinda's sons when they were driven away by their father. Dappula rebuilt the Hatthikucchi°, Vāhadīpa° and Lāvarāvapabbata-vihāras, and enlarged the Mahāpāli Hall, in addition to various other acts of piety. Cv.xlix.65.
4. Dappula.-A nephew of King Dappula II. and brother of Kittaggabodhi (Cv.xlix.72).
5. Dappula.-Yuvarājā of Kassapa V., and afterwards his successor as Dappula III. He reigned for only seven months (in 923 A.C.) (Cv.lii.42; liii.1).
6. Dappula.-Yuvarājā of Dappula III. and afterwards king, Dappula IV. (923-34 A.C.). During his reign the Pandu king came to Ceylon to seek his help against the Colas. Dappula was willing to help him but was opposed by his mother. Dappula's commander was Rakkhaka Ilanga, who built a dwelling called after the king. Cv.liii.4-12.