1. Ekāsanadāyaka Thera.-An arahant. In the time of Padumuttara Buddha he was an ascetic named Nārada-Kassapa, living near the mountain Kosika. Once he saw the Buddha walking through the forest, and having provided him with a seat, spoke words in praise of him. The Buddha preached to him a short sermon. Fifty times Ekāsanadāyaka became king of the gods and eighty times he ruled over men. Wherever he wished he could find a seat, even in the forest or in a river (Ap.ii.381f).
2. Ekāsanadāyaka.-A Thera. In the time of Padumuttara, he, with his wife, left the deva-world, and coming amongst men waited upon a monk named Devala (Ap.i.226).