1. Indagutta.-A thera. He superintended the construction of the Mahāthūpa at Anurādhapura (Mhv.xxxviii.98; Dpv.xix.5, 6, 8). Dutthagāmanī consulted him with regard to all details and appointed him kammādhitthāyaka from the commencement of the work (MT.550f). He had great psychic powers, and at the festival of the dedication of the Thūpa he created a parasol of copper, as great as the universe, to ward off any harm that might befall those taking part in the celebrations (Mhv.xxxi.85). He was at the side of the king throughout the festival (Mhv.xxxi.105), and, by virtue of his power, all the inhabitants of Ceylon, who wished to worship the relics at the Mahāthūpa, were enabled to go to Anurādhapura the moment the wish to do so entered their hearts, and to return the same day (Mhv.xxxi.115).

This Indagutta is probably to be identified with the thera Indagutta, the head of a great parivena in Rājagaha, who came to Ceylon with eighty thousand monks to be present at the foundation-ceremony of the Mahāthūpa (Mhv.xxix.30).

2. Indagutta.-The thera appointed by the monks of Pātaliputta to superintend the work of building the eighty-four thousand vihāras undertaken by Asoka. The thera, by his power, made it possible for the dedication festivals of all the vihāras to be performed on the same day. Mhv.v.174; Sp.i.49.

Indagutta originally lived in Sīhakumbha-vihāra in Devaputta, at the head of a large congregation. Asoka, having heard of his fame, invited him to Pātaliputta. He went with 60,000 monks and Asoka received them with great honour. At the sight of the honours paid to him Indagutta was filled with pride. Asoka noticing this, admonished him. Indagutta benefiting by the advice, developed insight even as he stood and became an arahant. Ras.i.80f.

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