1. Indriya Sutta.-The monk possessed of six qualities - the five indriyas (saddhā, etc.), and the freedom of mind brought about by the destruction of the āsavas - is worthy of offerings, etc. A.iii.281.

2. Indriya Sutta.-Where control of the faculties of sense (indriya) is not found, morality ceases to exist and, in consequence, concentration, insight into and knowledge of reality as it is, detachment and the feeling of revulsion, insight into liberation - these also cease to exist. When such control is present all the other qualities are also present. A.iii.360.

3. Indriya Sutta.-If a monk, observing the rise and fall in the faculties of sense, is repelled by them and lusts not for them, the knowledge arises in him that he is free and that for him there is no hereafter. Thus would he be perfect in faculty. S.iv.140.

4. Indriya Sutta.-The five indriyas (saddhā, etc.), are called the Path that goes to the Uncompounded (asankhata). S.iv.361.

5. Indriya Sutta.-The five indriyas (saddhā, etc.), when practised with singleness of heart, dispassion, and cessation that conduces to abandonment, form the Path leading to the Uncompounded. S.iv.365.

6. Indriya Sutta.-Anuruddha tells his colleagues that by cultivating the four satipatthānas, he knows, as they really are, the nature of the minds of other beings, of other persons (indriyaparopariyatti). S.v.305.

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