A brahmin of Dunnivittha in Kālinga. He was given a young maiden in repayment of a debt, but because she was praised for her virtues, the other wives in the village grew jealous of her and mocked her as an old man's darling. Thereafter she refused to go to the village well, and suggested that Jūjaka should obtain as slaves the children of Vessantara, then living as an ascetic in Vankagiri.

After many adventures Jūjaka found Vessantara, was allowed to have the two children, Jāli and Kanhajinā, and having tied their hands together, took them away. After he had travelled sixty leagues, the gods led him to Jetuttara, where the children's grandfather reigned as king. The king bought the children back from Jūjaka at a very great price and gave him choice foods to eat. Jūjaka, having over-eaten and being unable to digest the food, died on the spot (J.vi.521-81). He is identified with Devadatta (J.vi.593).

The wife of the brahmin who went for alms to Bāvarī was a descendant of Jūjaka. His descendants were still living in Dunnivittha, even in the Buddha's day (AA.i.183).

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