Pali Proper Names - K -
- Kubbikāla.-See Kupikala.
- Kubbugāma.-See Kumbugāma.
- Kubera.-See Kuvera.
- Kubukandanadī.-A river in Ceylon. On its banks was the
Samudda-vihāra (Mhv.xxxiv.90).
- Kubūlagalla.-A locality in Rohana. It was one of the strongholds
captured by Vijayabāhu I. Cv.lviii.36.
- Kuddadhāna.-See Kundadhāna.
- Kuddāla (Kuddālaka)-pandita
- Kuddāla Jātaka (No.70)
- Kuddālamandala.-A village in Rohana. Here a battle took place
between the forces of Parakkamabāhu I. and his enemies (Cv.lxxv.16).
- Kuddarajja.-Probably a district in Rohana. See also Mahāvāpi
- Kuddavātakapāsāna.-A rock in Pāsānatittha (q.v.).
- Kuha Sutta.-Monks who are cheats, stubborn and uncontrolled, are no
followers of the Buddha. A.ii.26; found also in It.113, cf. Thag.959.
- Kuhaka Jātaka (No.89)
- Kuhaka Sutta.-Five qualities, such as deceitfulness, which make a
monk disagreeable to his fellow monks. A.iii.111f.
- Kuhakābrāhmana Vatthu
- Kujjatissa Thera
- Kukku Jātaka (No.396)
- Kukku Vagga.-The first section of the Sutta Nipāta of the Jātaka
Commentary. J.iii.317-63.
- Kukkuha.-See Kukkuta (2).
- Kukkula
- Kukkula Sutta.-The Ariyan disciple feels aversion from body,
feeling, etc., because he knows that they are a mass of glowing embers.
- Kukkula Vagga.-The fourteenth chapter of the Khandha Samyutta.
- Kukkura Jātaka (No 22)
- Kukkura.-A rock near Himavā. The Buddha Vipassī once visited it,
and Pupphathūpiya lived there in a previous birth (Ap.i.158).
- Kukkuravatika Sutta
- Kukkurovāda.-See Kukkura Jātaka
- Kukkuta
- Kukkuta Jātaka (No.383, 448)
- Kukkutagiri.-A place in Ceylon. Buddhaghosa says (SA.iii.50) that
it was so called because it was there that Saddhātissa’s attendant, Tissa (see
Tissa 43), refused to kill some pheasants and set them free at the risk of
losing his own life.
- Kukkutagiri-parivena
- Kukkutamitta
- Kukkutandakhādikā Vatthu
- Kukkutārāma
- Kukkutārāma Sutta.-Three suttas which contain discussions between
Ananda and Bhadda, at the Kukkutārāma in Pātaliputta, regarding the righteous
life (S.v.15f).
- Kukkutasūkara Sutta.-Few abstain from accepting fowls and swine,
many do not. S.v.472.
- Kukkutavatī
- Kukkutika.-See Gokulika.
- Kukkuttha.-See Kakudha (5).
- Kukkutthā.-See Kakutthā.
- Kukutthā.-A river; see Kakutthā.
- Kula Sutta
- Kula Thera.-See Kundala.
- Kulaghara.-See Kuraraghara.
- Kulagharanī Sutta.-See Ogālha Sutta.
- Kulālitissa.-A monastery in Ceylon. Over the thūpa in the monastery
King Vohārika-Tissa erected a parasol. Mhv.xxxvi.33.
- Kulanta-vāpi (Kulattha-vāpi).-A tank to the south of Anurādhapura.
In the battle between the forces of Dutthagāmanī and Elāra the water in the
tank was dyed red with blood of the slain, hence the name. Mhv.xxv.66.
- Kulaputta Sutta.-Clansmen who go forth into homelessness do so in
order to gain full comprehension of the Four Noble Truths. This is true for
all time. S.v.415.
- Kulaputtena-dukkhā Sutta.-Three suttas. A clansman who goes forth
should live (1) in aversion from body etc., or (2) seeing impermanence in
them, or (3) seeing no soul in them. S.iii.179.
- Kulasekhara
- Kulavaddhaka.-Given as a name used ironically to insult another.
- Kulavaddhana.-A rich merchant of Sudassana (Benares) who tried to
stop his king, Sutasoma, from renouncing the world by offering him all his
wealth. He is identified with (Mahā?) Kassapa. J.v.185, 192.
- Kulāvaka Jātaka (No.31)
- Kulāvaka Sutta.-The story of Sakka's flight from the Asuras. When
he saw the Garulas crushed under his chariot wheels, he asked his driver,
Mātali, to turn back and risk death at the hands of the Asuras. But the Asuras
fled (S.i.224). cp. Kulāvaka Jātaka.
- Kulāvaka Vagga.-The fourth chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the Jātaka
Commentary. J.i.198-234.
- Kulinga.-The name of a clan, probably Sinhalese. Mahinda VI.
belonged to this clan (Cv.lxxx.15). The Kulingas were among the tribes sent to
Ceylon by Asoka with the Bodhi-tree. Mhv.xix.2; see also Mhv. Trs.128, n.2,
and Cv.Trs.i.29, n.2, and ii.126, n.5.
- Kulla Thera
- Kulumba Sutta
- Kulumbari-kannikā.-A district in Ceylon; the birthplace of Mahā
Sona (Mhv.xxiii.45). According to the Mahāvamsa Commentary it was in Rohana.
- Kulupaka Sutta
- Kumā
- Kumāputta.-See Nanda Kumāputta. Mhv.v.212.
- Kumāputtasahāya.-See Sudatta (11).
- Kumāra 1.-Father of Bhārana. He lived in Kappakandara.
- Kumāra 2.-Name of the god Skanda. He rode on a peacock. It is said
that Kumāra gave a boon to Mānavamma. Cv.lvii.7, 10; see also Hopkins: Epic
Mythology, p.227.
- Kumāra Sutta
- Kumāradhātusena (Kumāradāsa).-Son of Moggallāna I, and king of
Ceylon (513-522 A.C.). His son was Kittisena (Cv.xli.1f). Tradition tells of
his friendship with a poet Kālidisa. The authorship of the Jānakīharana is
generally ascribed to him (Cv.Trs.i.51, n.1).
- Kumāra-Kassapa
- Kumāra-Kassapa-thera Vatthu.-The story of Kumāra-Kassapa (q.v.) and
his mother. DhA.iii.144ff.
- Kumārapabba.-The section of the Vessantara Jātaka which deals with
the giving away of Vessantara's children to Jūjaka.
- Kumārapañha
- Kumārapeta Vatthu
- Kumārasena.-Brother of Dhātusena. He helped Dhātusena to crush the
Damilas, and was amply rewarded for his services. Cv.xxxviii.35, 53.
- Kumārasīha.-Son of Vimaladhammasūriya; he was adopted by King
Senāratana and given the province of Uva. He died young. Cv.xcv.22; also
Cv.Trs.ii.233, n.3.
- Kumāribhūta Vagga.-The eighth section of the Bhikkhunī Pācittiya.
- Kumārīpañhā
- Kumāriya Sutta.-Few abstain from accepting women or girls, many do
not. S.v.471.
- Kumba.-See Kumbagāma.
- Kumbagāma.-A Damila stronghold near Anurādhapura, which was
captured by Dutthagāmani. It was commanded by Kumba (Mhv.xxv.14).
- Kumbālaka.-One of the. tanks built by Mahāsena. Mhv.xxxvii.48.
- Kumbalatissa-pabbata.-A mountain in Ceylon. Ras.ii.189.
- Kumbalavāta.-A locality near Anurādhapura; through it passed the
boundary of the Mahāvihāra (Mhv. p.332; Mbv.134; Dpv.xiv.38).
- Kumbha Jātaka (No.512)
- Kumbha Sutta
- Kumbha Vagga.-The fifth chapter of the Tika Nipāta of the Jātaka
Commentary. J.ii.431-51.
- Kumbhaghosaka
- Kumbhakanna
- Kumbhakāra Jātaka (No.408)
- Kumbhanda
- Kumbhandā.-A class of beings (fairies or gnomes) grouped with
Yakkhas, Rakkhasas, Asuras and others. Virūlha is their king. They have large
bellies (kumbhanda = gourd), and their genitals are also large like pots
(kumbho viya), hence their name. D.iii.198; DA.iii.964.
- Kumbhapura.-The residence of Kisavaccha (MA.ii.599); it is
evidently another name for Kumbhavatī (q.v.).
- Kumbhavatī.-A city in the kingdom of King
Kisavaccha lived in the park near there. J.iii.463; v.29, 134.
- Kumbhigallaka.-A monastery in Ceylon. Vasabha built an
uposatha-house there. Mhv.xxxv.86.
- Kumbhīla Jātaka (No.206).-Evidently another version of the
Vānarinda Jātaka, though the
scholiast refers to another Kumbhīla Jātaka for particulars (thus in all MSS).
- Kumbhīla Vihāra.-A monastery in Ceylon. Ras.ii.111.
- Kumbhīlasobbha.-A tank restored by Vijayabāhu I. (Cv.lx.50), and
later by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxix.33.
- Kumbhīlavānaka.-A river in Ceylon which joins the
Sankhavaddhamānaka. Cv.lxviii.32; see also Cv.Trs.i.279, n.4.
- Kumbhīra
- Kumbiyangana.-See Kutumbiyangana.
- Kumbugāma (v.l. Kubbugāma).-A village in
Rohana. It is mentioned in the campaigns of Damilādhakārī Rakkha (Cv.lxxv.149,
167, 172).
- Kumbulapabbata.-A mountain in Ceylon. Ariyagālatissa found sixty
treasure troves there. Ras.ii.137.
- Kumma Sutta
- Kummāsadāyaka Thera.-An arahant. Ninety-one kappas ago, having
nothing else to give, he put sour gruel into the bowl of Vipassī Buddha
(Ap.ii.415). He is evidently identical with Sīvaka Thera. ThagA.i.307.
- Kummāsapinda Jātaka (No.416)
- Kumuda
- Kumudadāyaka Thera
- Kumudamāliya Thera
- Kunāla
- Kunāla Jātaka (No.536)
- Kunālā.-The name of a river (mahānadī) which flows out of the
Kunāladaha. It dries up when, at the end of the kappa, the fourth sun rises.
- Kunappunallura.-A market town in South India in the district of
Viraganga (Cv.lxxvi.131).
- Kuñcanāga, Kuñjanāga
- Kunda.-A yakkha who once inhabited a forest, called Kundadhāna
(UdA.122) after him.
- Kundadhāna Thera
- Kundadhānavana
- Kundakakucchisindhava
Jātaka (No.254)
- Kundaka-kumāra.-The lay name of the ascetic
Khantivādī. J.iii.39.
- Kundakapūva Jātaka (No.109)
- Kundakasindhavapotaka Jātaka.-See
Kundakakucchisindhava Jātaka.
- Kundalā
- Kundala (v.l. Kulakundala) Thera
- Kundalakesā, Kundalakesī.-See
Bhaddā Kundalakesī.
- Kundalakesittheri Vatthu.-The story of
Bhaddā Kundalakesī (q.v.).
- Kundalī
- Kundalī Sutta.-Records the visit of
Kundaliya to the Buddha. S.v.73ff.
- Kundalinī.-The name given to the offspring of the sārikā(myna)-bird
in the Tesakuna Jātaka. She is
identified with Uppalavannā. J.v.125.
- Kundalinī-pañha.-The questions asked by the king and the answers
given by Kundalinī, as stated in the Tesakuna Jātaka. J.v.120.
- Kundaliya
- Kundarāyana.-See Kandarāyana.
- Kundasālā.-A suburb of Sirivaddhanapura (Kandy), on the banks of
the Mahāvāluka-gangā. It was laid out by King Narindasīha, who made it his
favourite residence (Cv.xcvii.34). Kittisirirājasīha planned its garden and
erected a vihāra. Cv.c.216f.
- Kundavana.-See Gundāvana.
- Kundayamutta.-A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. He was defeated
in battle by Lankāpura. Cv.lxxvi.94, 177.
- Kundayankotta (?). A locality in South India, where Lankāpura once
pitched his camp (Cv.lxxvi.176).
- Kundi, Kundiya
- Kundinagariya Thera.-The name given to Potthapāda because he was
born and brought up in Kundi. He lived in the Sānavāsīpabbata nearby.
Pv.iii.2; PvA.177ff.
- Kunditthâna.-See Kundadhāna.
- Kundiyā.-See Kundadhānavana.
- Kundukāla
- Kunhāna.-See Kundadhāna.
- Kuñjara 1.-Devānampiyatissa's elephant, tied to the plough which
marked the sīmā of the Mahāvihāra. Dpv.xiv.28; Mbv.134; see also Mhv., p.331.
- Kuñjara 2.-One of the chief lay patrons of Revata Buddha.
- Kuñjarahinaka.-A monastery built by Lañjatissa. Mhv.xxxiii.27.
- Kunta.-A throne (for an image) which was originally in the
Pācina-vihāra of the Theravādins, and was later set up beside the Bodhi-tree
of the Abhayagiri-vihāra by Silākāla (Cv.xli.31).
- Kuntamālaka.-A locality near Anurādhapura
through which passed the boundary of the Mahā-vihāra. It was the point from
which the king started to mark the sīmā. v.l. Kotthamālaka. (Mhv., p.331;
Mbv.134; Dpv.xiv.28, 33).
- Kuntani Jātaka (No.343)
- Kuntavarā.-The soldiers of a district in South India who fought
against the Sinhalese force that invaded their territory (Cv.lxxvi.246). They
were subdued by the Kesa-dhātu Kitti (Cv.lxxvi.259).
- Kuntī.-A kinnarī, mother of the theras
Tissa and
Sumitta. Their father was a former inhabitant
of Pātaliputta.
- Kupikkala.-The birthplace of the Elder
Mahā-Tissa. v.l. Kuvikkala, Kubbikāla, Kutthikula. Mhv.xxxiii.49.
- Kuppa Sutta.-The monk who has the four patisambhidā and has an
emancipated mind realises that which is unshakable (akuppa). A.iii.119f.
- Kupuvena.-A village and a monastery. The story of a sāmanera of the
monastery, as given in the Majjhima Commentary (MA.ii.700), is similar, except
in regard to the names, to the story given under Kabupelanda (q.v.).
- Kurandaka
- Kurangavī
- Kuraragham-Papāta-pabbata.-See
- Kuraraghara
- Kuraragharikā.-See Kālī (2).
- Kuraraghariya-Sona.-The name by which Sona Kutikanna is some-times
referred to. E.g.,
- Kuravakagalla.-A place in Rohana where Damilādhikārī Rakkha
defeated his enemies. Cv.lxxv.137.
- Kureñjiyaphaladāyaka (Kuruñjiya°) Thera.-An arahant. Thirty-one
kappas ago he was a hunter, and having seen the Buddha Sikhī in the forest, he
gave him a kureñjiya-fruit (Ap.ii.448f). He is evidently identical with
Sona-Setthiputta Thera (ThagA.i.316f).
- Kuru
- Kurudeva.-A poor man, who lived in Vattura
Vihāra, eating large quantities of food and doing no work. Listening to the
advice of a monk, he took the five precepts and fed fishes with a part of his
meal. He was later born as Mahānela.
- Kurudhamma = the
- Kurudhamma Jātaka (No.276)
- Kurukaccha.-Probably a wrong reading for
- Kurukhetta.-Another name for the country of the
- Kurumba.-A Damila chief, subdued by Lankāpura. Cv.lxxvii.14f.
- Kurumbāndanakali.-A locality in South India, where a great battle
was fought between Lankāpura and Kulasekhara (Cv.lxxvi.157).
- Kurundacullaka.-A parivena in the Jetavana-vihāra in Ceylon, the
residence of Dāthāvedhaka. MT.176.
- Kurundankundiya.-A locality in South India. Cv.lxxvi.236, 266.
- Kurundapillaka.-A monastery in Ceylon. Potthakuttha erected a
pāsāda there (Cv.xlvi.21).
- Kurundavāpi.-A tank built by Aggabodhi I. (Cv.xlii.15; Cv.Trs.i.66,
- Kurundavāsoka-Vihāra.-A monastery built by Khallātanāga
- Kurundavelu.-A vihāra in Ceylon, where was compiled the
- Kurunda-Vihāra.-A monastery built by Aggabodhi I. and dedicated to
all three fraternities (Cv.xlii.15).
- Kurundī.-A village in Ceylon. Cv.lxxxiii.16; lxxxviii.64;
Cv.Trs.ii.149, n.9.
- Kurundī-Atthakathā
- Kurundīrattha.-See Kurundī above.
- Kurundiya-Vihāra.-A monastery repaired by Vijayabāhu I. (Cv.lx.60);
probably identical with Kurunda-Vihāra.
- Kurungamiga Jātaka (No.21,
- Kurungamiga Vagga.-The third section of the Eka Nipāta of the
Jātaka Commentary. J.i.173-98.
- Kuruvaka-tittha.-A secluded bathing-place in a large pond near the
Cittalapabbata-vihāra (MA.ii.1025).
- Kusa
- Kusa Jātaka (No.531)
- Kusaghara.-A city (?). The Buddha's lower robe (nivāsana) was
deposited there after his death. Bu.xxviii.8.
- Kusalā Sutta 1.-Conditions which are on the side of goodness have
their root in earnestness (appamāda); the earnest monk cultivates the seven
bojjhangas. S.v.91.
- Kusalā Sutta 2. Similar to No.1. The conditions have their root in
yoniso-manasikāra. S.v.92.
- Kusalarāsi Sutta 1.-The five hindrances (nivarana) could rightly be
called a heap of demerit and the five satipatthānas a heap of merit. S.v.145.
- Kusalarāsi Sutta 2.-The four satipatthānas could rightly be called
a heap of merit. S.v.186.
- Kusamāli.-One of the seas through which the mariner Suppāraka
(q.v.) piloted his ship. It was full of emeralds and looked like an expanse of
dark kusa-grass. Its full name was Nīlavanna Kusamāla. J.iv.140.
- Kusamba (Kusumba).-A sage (isi), on the site of whose hermitage was
built the city which came, for that reason, to be called Kosambī. SNA.i.300;
MA.ii.539; UdA.248; PsA.413; see also Rāmāyana i.34.
- Kusanāli Jātaka (No.121)
- Kusanāli Vagga.-The thirteenth chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the
Jātaka Commentary. J.i.441-65.
- Kusatthakadāyaka Thera.-An arahant. In the time of Kassapa Buddha
he was a brahmin and gave the Buddha kusatthaka (eight handfuls of
kusa-grass?) (Ap.ii.416). He is evidently to be identified with Migasira
Thera. ThagA.i.306.
- Kusāvātī
- Kusima.-See Kusumī below.
- Kusinārā
- Kusinārā Sutta
- Kusinārā Vagga.-The thirteenth chapter of the Tīkā Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. A.i.274-84; for a summary of its contents see A.v.381.
- Kusinārā Vihāra.-A monastery built by Parakkamabāhu I. in a suburb
of Pulatthipura, called Sīhapura. It consisted of three image houses, each
containing three storeys, six pāsādas, etc. Cv.lxxiii.152; lxxviii.84; also
Cv.Trs.ii.18, n.3.
- Kusinātā.-One of the cities of
Uttarakuru (D.iii.200).
- Kusīta Sutta 1.-A woman who is faithless, shameless, unscrupulous,
indolent and of weak wisdom is reborn in purgatory. S.iv.242.
- Kusīta Sutta 2.-Eight occasions on which a monk is apt to become
indolent (A.iv.332f).
- Kusumamūlagāma.-A village near Padumanagara, residence of the Thera
Dhammadhara. (Sās.163)
- Kusumanagara.-The Pāli name for the city now known as Bassein, in
Burma (Bode, op. cit., 24). Near the city was the birthplace of Chapata.
Sās.74; see also pp.41, 43, 147; Ind. Ant. 1893, xxi.17.
- Kusumapura.-See Pātaliputta.
- Kusumārāma.-Another name for Pupphārāma. (Cv. ci.7)
- Kusumāsaniya Thera
- Kusumī.-A seaport in Rāmañña where a part of the Sinhalese
expeditionary force sent by Parakkamabāhu I. landed in five ships
(Cv.lxxvi.59). It is probably the same as Kusumatittha mentioned in the
Sāsanavamsa (E.g., pp.66, 90) as a seaport. v.l. Kusima.
- Kūta Sutta
- Kūtadanta
- Kūtadanta Sutta
- Kūtāgārasālā
- Kutajapupphiya Thera
- Kutakannatissa (Kutikannatissa)
- Kūtāli Vihāra.-A monastery in Rohana, founded by Kākavannatissa
(Mhv.xxii.23). There Malaya-Deva Thera once preached the Cha-Cakka Sutta, and
sixty monks who listened to him became arahants (MA.ii.1024). This may be
identical with the Kutelitissa Vihāra (q.v.).
- Kūtatissa Vihāra.-A monastery in Ceylon. Sena II gave to it a
maintenance village. In the pillar inscription of Mahinda IV. in
Polonnaruva it is mentioned as the Kututisa-rad-maha-veher (Ep. Zey.ii.50).
- Kūtavānija Jātaka (No. 98,
- Kūtavinicchayaka-peta
- Kutelitissamahā-vihāra
- Kutendu.-A vassal of the
Cātummahārājikas, present at the preaching of the
Mahā Samaya Sutta. D.ii.258.
- Kuthārasabhā.-Some sort of council chamber, probably attached to
the Court in Ceylon. Kittisirimegha is mentioned as employing the services of
the head of the sabhā to fetch the prince Parakkamabāhu from his retreat
- Kuthāri-vihāra.-A monastery in Ambatthakola used by Moggallāna I.
as his headquarters in his campaign against Kassapa I. Cv.xxxix.21.
- Kutidāyaka Thera.-An arahant. Ninety-one kappas ago he made a hut
for a Buddha. Thirty-eight kappas ago he was king sixteen times under the name
of Sabbattha-abhivassī. Ap.i.229.
- Kutidhūpaka Thera.-An arahant. In a past birth he looked after the
cell of Siddhattha Buddha and burnt incense in it from time to time.
- Kutidūsaka Jātaka (No.321)
- Kutidūsaka Vagga.-The third chapter of the Catukka Nipāta of the
Jātaka Commentary. J.iii.71-102.
- Kutivihārī Thera
- Kuttāndāra.-A Damila chieftain, ally of Kulasekhara, defeated by
Lankāpura. Cv.lxxvi.182, 190.
- Kuttapiti.-A large village given by Kittisirirājasīha for the
maintenance of the sacred Footprint in Samanakūta. Cv.c.225.
- Kutthuka.-The general of Sena II. He built the parivena, which was
called Senasenāpati ( See also Potthakuttha.
- Kutūhalasālā Sutta
- Kutumbariya
- Kutumbiya Vihāra.-A monastery in Ceylon. It was once the residence
of Tissamahānāga Thera (q.v.).
- Kutumbiyangana.-A village in Ceylon in
the district of Giri. It was the birthplace of Velusumana. v.l. Kumbiyangana.
- Kutumbiyaputta-Tissa
- Kuvannā
- Kuvera (Kubera)
- Kuveradvāra.-One of the fourteen gates of Pulatthipura, erected by
Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxiii.161.
- Kuvera-nālinī.-A name given to
Dharanī. D.iii.202; DA.iii.968.
- Kyānagāma.-A village in the Malaya country, not far from
Pulatthipura. Lankādhikāri Kitti once encamped there (Cv.lxx.283, 300;
lxxii.207), and Parakkamabāhu I. went there disguised as a musician.