1. Kālakannī.-A friend of Anāthapindika. They had made mud-pies together and had gone to the same school. Later, Kālakannī fell on evil days and sought the protection of his friend, who appointed him to look after his business. Anāthapindika's friends and acquaintances remonstrated against the employment of a man with so inauspicious a name, but Anāthapindika heeded them not. One day, when Anāthapindika was away, a gang of robbers tried to enter his house, but Kālakannī, with great presence of mind, asked the few remaining servants to beat drums all over the house, thereby giving the impression that the house was fully occupied. The robbers fled leaving their weapons, and Kālakannī was greatly praised. When Anāthapindika reported the matter to the Buddha, the Buddha related the Kālakannī Jātaka, containing a similar story of the past. J.i.364f
2. Kālakannī.-The name of the treasurer's friend in the story of the past, as given in the Kālakannī Jātaka.
3. Kālakannī.-Daughter of Virūpakkha. She had a dispute with Sirī, daughter of Dhatarattha, as to their order of precedence in bathing in Anotatta. The story is given in the Siri-Kālakanni Jātaka (J.iii.257ff). In the story she is also addressed as Kālī (J.iii.261). In another place she is referred to as Alakkhī. J.iv.378.