1. Paccaya Thera
An arahant. He belonged to a noble family of Rohī (Rohinī) and succeeded to his father's estate. Once, when he was holding a ceremonial oblation, a great number of people assembled, and the Buddha, arriving among them, preached from the sky, seated in a jewelled pavilion made for him by Vessavana. Paccaya heard the preaching and renounced the world, attaining arahantship in a few days, and not leaving his cell till he had developed insight.
It is said that in the time of Kassapa Buddha, Paccaya was a monk who refused to leave the vihāra till he gained insight, but he died before his purpose was fulfilled. Earlier, ninety one kappas ago, he had come across the Buddha Vipassī, on the banks of the Vinatā, and had offered him a fig (udumbara) (Thag. vss. 222 4; ThagA.i.341f). He is probably identical with Udumbaraphaladāyaka of the Apadāna. Ap.i.295.
2. Paccaya
The state elephant of Vessantara, brought to the stall by a female flying elephant, on the day of his birth, and deposited there. He was white in colour, and was called Paccaya because he supplied a need of Vemantara. J.vi.485.
Paccaya Sutta
An explanation of the teaching regarding Paticcasamuppāda. S.ii.25f.