An arahant. He was a Sākyan of Devadaha and was called Sammoda, but in his boyhood he suffered from rheumatism (vātaroga) and was crippled for some time; hence he came to be called Pakkha (cripple) even after his recovery. When the Buddha visited his kinsfolk he entered the Order and lived in the forest. One day he saw a kite flying up into the sky with some flesh, from which first one kite and then another grabbed a piece. Reflecting that worldly desires were like the flesh taken by the kite, he developed insight and attained arahantship.
In the time of Vipassī Buddha he had been a Yakkha senāpati with a retinue of eighty four thousand and had given the Buddha a divine robe.
Fifteen kappas ago he was sixteen times cakkavatti under the name of Suvāhana (Vāham). (Thag.vs.63; ThagA.i.144f).
He is evidently identical with Mahāparivāra of the Apadāna. Ap.i.146f.