1. Palāsa Jātaka (No. 307)
Once a poor brahmin paid great honour to a judas tree (palāsa), hoping thereby to get some benefit. One day, the tree sprite appeared before him in disguise and asked why he honoured the tree. Pleased with his answer, the sprite revealed his identity and helped the brahmin to obtain the treasure which lay buried beneath the tree. The story was related to Ananda as he stood weeping, leaning against the lintel, when the Buddha lay dying. The Buddha sent for him and told him not to grieve as his services to the Buddha would not be fruitless. Ananda is identified with the poor brahmin. J.iii.23ff.
2. Palāsa Jātaka (No. 370)
Once the Bodhisatta was a golden goose living in Cittakūta. On his way to and fro from the Himālaya, he rested on a palāsa tree and a friendship sprang up between him and the treesprite. One day a bird dropped a banyan seed in the fork of the palāsatree from which a sapling sprang. The goose advised the sprite to destroy it, but he paid no heed, and by and by the banyan grew up and destroyed the palāsa.
The story was related by the Buddha to the monks in order to illustrate that sins should be uprooted however small they may be. J.iii.208ff.