1. Tissā.-One of the chief women disciples of Kondañña Buddha (J.i.30; Bu.iii.31).

2. Tissā.-An arahant Therī belonging to a Sākiyan family of Kapilavatthu. She became a lady of the Bodhisatta's court, but later renounced the world with Mahā Pajāpatī Gotamī, and practised insight. One day the Buddha appeared before her in a ray of glory and uttered a stanza, at the conclusion of which she became an arahant (Thig.4; ThigA.11).

3. Tissā.-An arahant Therī, her story being similar to that of Tissā (2). Thig.5; ThigA.12f.

4. Tissā.-An upāsikā mentioned, together with her mother Tissāyamātā in a list of pious women disciples (A.iv.348; AA.ii.791).

5. Tissā.-A rival of Mattā (q.v.). Pv.ii.3; PvA.82f.

6. Tissā.-A nun of Ceylon, specially proficient in the Vinaya (Dpv.xviii.30).

7. Tissā.-Wife of Mahinda who was brother of Sena II. Tissā was a daughter of Kittaggabodhi and was the sister of Sanghā and Kittī (Cv.l.60). She had a daughter, also called Sanghā (Cv.li.15).

8. Tissā.-Daughter of King Kassapa IV. and queen of Udaya II (Cv.li.94).

9. Tissā.-Daughter of Kassapa, who afterwards became Kassapa V. (?) and wife of Kassapa IV (Cv.lii.2).

10. Tissā. Wife of Mundagutta. Wishing to give alms, they sold their son and bought a cow, which gave them rich ghee. A minister, displeased with them, had the cow confiscated by the king; but the king discovering that Tissā alone could milk her, asked her her story, and gave them great rewards, making the minister their slave. They lived in Tissambatittha in the time of Saddhātissa. Ras.ii.31f.

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