'contemplation' - 4 fold: s. satipatthāna - 18 fold: s. vipassanā. - 7 fold:

"The seven contemplation's:

(1) Contemplating (formations) as impermanent, one abandons the perception of permanence.
(2) Contemplating (them) as painful, one abandons the perception of happiness (to be found in them).
(3) Contemplating (them) as not self, one abandons the perception of self.
(4) Becoming dispassionate, one abandons delighting.
(5) Causing fading away, one abandons greed.
(6) Causing cessation, one abandons originating.
(7) Relinquishing, one abandons grasping" (Pts.M. I, p. 58). -

See also Vis.M. XXI, 43; XXII, 114.

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