'body-witness', is one of the 7 noble disciples (s. ariya-puggala, B.).
He is one who "in his own person (lit. body) has attained the 8 deliverances (vimokkha), and after wisely understanding the phenomena, the cankers have partly come to extinction" (Pug. 32).
In A. IX, 44 it is said: "A monk, o brother, attains the 1st absorption (jhāna), and as far as this domain reaches,- so far he has realized it in his own person. Thus the Blessed One calls such a person a body-witness in certain respects. (The same is then repeated with regard to the 7 higher absorptions).
Further again, o brother, the monk attains the extinction of perception and feeling (s. nirodha-samāpatti), and after wisely understanding the phenomena, all the cankers come to extinction. Thus, o brother, the Blessed One calls such a person a body-witness in all respects."