- sensuous-sphere
- (kāmā-
- vacara)
- accompanied by joy, associated with knowledge, unprompted
- accompanied by joy, associated with knowledge, prompted
- accompanied by joy, dissociated with knowledge, unprompted
- accompanied by joy, dissociated with knowledge, prompted
- accompanied by equanimity, associated with knowledge, unprompted
- accompanied by indifference, associated with knowledge, prompted
- accompanied by indifference, dissociated with knowledge, unprompted
- accompanied by indifference, dissociated with knowledge, prompted
Rooted in attachment (lobha):
- 22. accompanied by joy, associated with wrong view, unprompted
- 23. accompanied by joy, associated with wrong view, prompted
- 24. accompanied by joy, dissociated with wrong view, unprompted
- 25. accompanied by joy, dissociated with wrong view, prompted
- 26. accompanied by indifference, associated with wrong view,
- 27. accompanied by indifference, associated with wrong view, prompted
- 28. accompanied by indifference, dissociated with wrong view,
- 29.accompanied by indifference, dissociated with wrong view, prompted
Rooted in ill-will or aversion (dosa):
- accompanied by grief, associated with resentment, unprompted
- accompanied by grief, associated with resentment, prompted
Rooted in delusion (moha): (Impulsion)
- accompanied by indifference, and associated with doubts
- accompanied by indifference, and associated with agitation
(a) resultant (vipāka)
profitable result (with pleasant object)
- 34.-38. eye-,ear-,nose-,tongue-, body-consciousness, pleasant
- 39. mind-element (mano-dhātu) (Receiving)
- 40. mind-consciousness-element acc. by joy (mano-viññāna-dhātu)
(investigating registration)
- 41. mind-consciousness-element acc. by equanimity (investigating,
registration, rebirth linking, life continuum, death)
- 42.-49. = 1 to 8 (registration, rebirth linking, life continuum,
unprofitable result with painful object
- 50.-54. eye-,ear-,nose-,tongue-, body-consciousness, painful
- 55. mind-object: (mano-dhātu) (Receiving)
- 56. mind-consciousness-element (investigating, registration, rebirth
linking, life continuum, death)
(b) functional (kiriya)
70. mind-element (5 door Adverting)
71. mind-consciousness-element (5 door Determining; Mind door Adverting)
72. mind consciousness element acc. by joy (Impulsion)
73.-80.= 1 to 8 (Impulsion) [72-98
only in Arahat] |
fine-material sphere
- 9. thought-conception, discursive thinking, rapture, joy,
- 10. discursive thinking, rapture, joy, concentration
- 11. rapture, joy, concentration
- 12. joy, concentration (Imp.)
- 13. equanimity, concentration
- 57.
- 58. = 9 to 13 (rebirth linking, life continuum, death, existence)
- 59.
- 60.
- 61.
- 81.
- 82. = 9 to 13 (Impulsion)
- 83.
- 84.
- 85.