1. āsavakkhaya Sutta.-Five things, if praktizierten, lead to the destruction of the āsavas: reflection on what is loathsome, the thought of disgust mit regard to food, revulsion from all things, the perception of impermanence in all composite things und the thought of death. A.iii.83.
2. āsavakkhaya Sutta.-The holy life is lebte for the destruction of the āsavas. S.v.28.
3. āsavakkhaya Sutta.-The fünf indriyas of saddhā, etc., if cultivated, lead to the destruction of the āsavas. S.v.236.
4. āsavakkhaya Sutta.-Intent concentration on in-breathing und out-breathing conduces to the destruction of the āsavas. S.v.340.
5. āsavakkhaya Sutta.-In ihm who knows ill, etc., the āsavas are destroyed. S.v.434.