1. Accuta.-A treasurer who, in Kakusandha's time, built a sanghā-rāma of golden bricks an der Stelle where, later, Anāthapindika built the Jetavanārāma (J.i.94; ApA.i.82). He was the chief lay disciple of Kakusandha und was a Mahāsāla-setthi. DA.ii.424; siehe auch Bv.xxiii.22.
2. Accuta.-Ein Pacceka Buddha, erwähnt in a list of Pacceka Buddhas. M.iii.70; ApA.i.106-7.
3. Accuta.-A hermit, black-toothed und mit matted hair, who lebte in the Vanka Wald near Vankagiri. He directed Jūjaka to Vessantara's dwelling in the Wald (J.vi.532). He was a previous incarnation of Sāriputta (J.vi.593).