Preached by der Buddha while touring in Kosala mit a large concourse of Mönche, the sight of a blazing fire being made the occasion for the discourse. It were better for a man to seek shelter in, embrace und lie down upon the raging flames than to live in the guise of ein Mönch und accept the alms of the faithful while being guilty of evil conduct (A.iv.128f). Es wird gesagt, dass while the sutta was being preached sixty Mönche vomited hot blood, sixty left the Order in diffidence und sixty others wurde arahants (A.iv.135). The Kommentar adds that der Buddha foresaw this result, und that later viele of the Mönche, hearing of the discourse und fearing dire consequences for themselves, returned to the lay-life in such large numbers that the Order wurde rapidly depleted.

It was to counteract this result that the Cūlaccharāsanghāta Sutta was preached (AA.i.38-40).


This sutta is erwähnt as an example of a sermon based on some immediate experience, in this case, a fire (MA.i.14; auch AA.i.32, 267). It was preached by Mahinda in Ceylon, in the Nandana pleasance, on the day the Mahāmeghavana was gifted to the Sangha (Mhv.xv.176; Mbv.133); und auch by Yonaka Dhammarakhita, in Aparantaka (Mhv.xii.34; Mbv.114).

The vomiting of hot blood, erwähnt here, is made the subject of a dilemma in the Milinda (p.164).

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