Die Geschichte of a snake-charmer in Benares who had auch a tame monkey. Once, during a festival, he left the monkey mit a corn-factor (the Bodhisatta) und set out to earn money by making sport mit die Schlange. The monkey was well looked after by the Bodhisatta. Seven Tage later die Schlange-charmer returned drunk und ill-treated the monkey. When the man was asleep the monkey escaped und refused to come back in spite of seinformer owner's fine words.

Die Geschichte was told mit reference to a novice who was ordained by a distinguished Elder. The Elder ill-treated the lad who, in exasperation, left the Order. The Elder persuaded ihm to return, aber when this had happened twice again, the lad refused to come back (J.iii.197-9). The novice is identifiziert mit the monkey of the story.

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