Seen by Moggallāna as he came from Gijjhakūta to Rājagaha in the company of Lakkhana. He revealed the peta's story in the presence of der Buddha. In the long past men had errichtete a bower of leaves und grass on the banks of the river near Benares for a Pacceka Buddha. Here residents from die Stadt would visit ihm morning und evening mit offerings. On the way they had to pass a field, which in their viele journeying they trampled und damaged. The farmer tried in vain to prevent them. One day, in exasperation, when the Pacceka Buddha was away, the farmer burnt seinbower, destroying everything in it. When he confessed seinguilt the followers of the Pacceka Buddha beat ihm to death. He suffered in Avīci till the earth was elevated one league, und was thereafter born a peta, zwanzig-fünf leagues in length, seinbody enveloped in flames. DhA.ii.64 ff.; siehe auch S.ii.254.

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