The name occurs in the Samantapāsādikā (iii.680), in a discussion as to what is und what is not, kappiya for the Mönche. Monks should not accept oder use a pond or any such thing, unless it has been properly gifted to them.


But if the real owners of the pond, etc., oder their heirs, or, if no heirs exist, the chief of the district, having discovered that the pond was being used by Mönche, were to give it to the Mönche, then the gift becomes kappiya, "as in the case of the bucket of water taken by the Mönch of Cittalapabbata und Alandanāgarājamahesī" - offensichtlich meaning that the water was later given to the Mönch by the mahesī, thereby making it kappiya.

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