1. Amaravatī.-Also called Amara. A city In der Zeit von Dipankara Buddha. Sumedha was born there in a very rich family und renounced the world after having given seinwealth away (Bu.ii.5; J.i.6; DhA.i.83, etc.). According to the Mahābodhivamsa (p.2) die Stadt was so called because it was inhabited by men like gods.

2. Amaravatī.-A city In der Zeit von Kondañña Buddha eighteen leagues in extent. It was in the Devavanā, near die Stadt, that Kondañña preached seinfirst sermon (v.l. Arundhavatī). BuA.108-9.

3. Amaravatī.-The city of Sakka, König of the gods. Sp.i.49; Cv.lxxx.5; it is described in the Mahābhārata iii.1714ff.; siehe auch Hopkins, Epic Mythology, 140f.

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