1. Amba Jātaka (Nr. 124).-During a very severe drought a hermit, living in the Himālaya at the head of fünf hundert Asketen, provided water for the animals, using the hollowed trunk of a tree as trough. In gratitude the animals brought ihm various fruits, enough for himself und seinfünf hundert companions. Die Geschichte is related bezüglich a Bruder who was very zealous in sein duties, doing everything well und wholeheartedly. Because of seingreat goodness the people fed regularly every day fünf hundert of the Brethren. J.i.449-51.

2. Amba Jātaka (Nr. 474).-Die Geschichte of a Brahmanen youth who learnt a charm from a wise Candāla. The charm had the power of making lovely und fragrant mangoes grow out of season. The youth exhibited seinskill before der König, aber when asked the name of seinteacher he lied und said he had been taught in Takkasilā. Immediately the charm escaped seinmemory und all seinpower deserted him. At der König's suggestion he went back to the teacher to ask seinforgiveness und to learn the charm anew, aber the teacher would have none of ihm und the youth wandered away into the Wald und died there.

Die Geschichte is told in reference to Devadatta who had repudiated der Buddha as sein teacher und as a result was born in Avīci (J.iv.200-7).

The youth was a former Geburt of Devadatta.

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