Die Geschichte of a wicked Asket who built for himself a hut in a mango orchard on the river bank near Benares und ate the ripe mangoes as they fell. In order to frighten ihm Sakka made the orchard appear as if it had been plundered by thieves. The Asket, coming back from seinbegging-round und seeing what had happened, charged the vier Töchter of a Kaufmann who had just entered the garden mit having stolen the mangoes. They denied the charge und swore dreadful oaths to support their statement. Thereupon he let them go.
Die Geschichte was told about an Elder who had entered the Order in seinold age und who, instead of practising seinduties, looked after mangoes. Thieves stole his mangoes, und he charged mit the theft the vier Töchter of ein reicher Kaufmann who happened to visit the park. They swore oaths to prove that they were not guilty und were released. J.iii.137-9.