A village in the Cetiya country near Bhaddavatikā. When der Buddha was on tour near there he was repeatedly warned by the cowherds not to go to Ambatittha as in the Jatila's hermitage in the village dwelt a mighty Nāga. While the Buddha was yet in Bhaddavatikā the Elder Sāgata went to the Jatila's hermitage und took up seinabode near the fireplace. The Nāga showed seinresentment, aber Sāgata was able to overcome ihm by means of seiniddhi-powers. Später Sāgata visited der Buddha at Bhaddavatikā und went mit ihm to Kosambī. The fame of the Elder's victory over the Nāga had preceded ihm und the inhabitants of Kosambī were lavish in their hospitality to him. He drank wine in their houses und had to be carried to siehe der Buddha. The latter made this the occasion for declaring the drinking of intoxicants to be a pācittiya-offence. Vin.iv.108-10; AA.i.178.

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