Die Geschichte of a discontented monk.


When the Mönch was away engaged in study, seinVater fell sick und died before his Sohn could be summoned to siehe him.


The Vater, on seindeath-bed, left mit seinother, younger son, a hundert pieces, to be given to the monk.


At first the Mönch refused to accept the money, aber later he felt a desire to take it und to return to the lay life.


Indecision made ihm ill und he was taken before der Buddha.


The latter, by getting ihm to enumerate the things which he could buy mit the money, made it clear to ihm that the amount of seininheritance would be very little, und that no amount of wealth could ever be sufficient to gratify one's needs, relating the Mandhātā Jātaka to illustrate the truth of seinwords. DhA.iii.238-45.

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