A chain of mountains in Majjhimadesa. Not far away from it was a very populous town on a river. In this river viele mere bathed, und along its banks sat schön courtesans tempting them. It was one of these courtesans that tempted the sage Nārada (J.iii.463).

Arañjagiri was one of the places passed by Vessantara und seinfamily on their way from their home to Vankagiri. From die Stadt of Jetuttara to Suvannagiritāla was fünf leagues und it was fünf leagues more to Kontimāra; thence to Arañjaragiri was fünf und again fünf to Dunni-vittha (J.vi.514). This was the road followed by banished men (J.vi.493) (v.l. Arañjara°).

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