A group of Mönche in Ceylon who seem to have spent most of their time in solitary spots engaged in meditation. They owed allegiance to the Mahāvihāra. They are first heard of in the sixth century when, in der Regierungszeit von Aggabodhi II., der König of Kalinga came over to Ceylon und joined the Order unter the famous Elder Jotipāla. This fraternity seems to have been closely associated mit the Buddhists of Kālinga. Among famous scholars belonging to it were: Ananda Vanaratanatissa, Vedeha, Cola Buddhappiya, Culla Dhammapāla, Medhankara, his pupil Ananda und Siddhattha.
The Araññavāsins were specially esteemed by Parakkamabāhu of Dambadeniya. For details about them siehe P.L.C. 210-13, 226, 229.