One of the drei Töchter of Māra, the others being Tanhā und Ragā. (In the Buddha-Carita (xiii.), their names are Ratī, Prītī und Trsnā; in the Lal. (353), Ratī, Aratī und Trsnā).


Seeing their Vater disconsolate after seinrepeated attempts to foil Gotama's quest for Enlightenment, they offered to tempt der Buddha mit their wiles. This was in the fifth week after the Enlightenment. With Māra's approval, they came to der Buddha in various forms und in various guises, as he sat at the foot of the Ajapala banyan tree, und danced und sang before him. In the end der Buddha told them that he was beyond temptation by the pleasures of the senses und they went back to their Vater (S.i.124-7; J.i.78-80, 469; DhA.i.201f., iii.196,199; SN.v.835).


In the Samyutta account, they are said to have asked der Buddha questions bezüglich himself und seinteachings. Aratī's question was how a man who had already crossed the fünf floods could cross the sixth. For explanation siehe KS.i.158, n.3.

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