1. Ariya.-A country und people in South India. Palandīpa was one of its divisions. It once had a König named Vīradeva who led an expedition against Jayabāhu I. of Ceylon (Cv.lxi.36f).
It was auch the name of a dynasty, the Aryan dynasty of the Pāndya (Pandu) in South India. Cv.lxiii.15; siehe auch Cv. trans. i.239, n.1.
2. Ariya.-A fisherman of a settlement near the north gate of Sāvatthi. Der Buddha, seeing seinupanissaya for sotāpatti, passed mit the congregation of Mönche close by the spot where he was fishing und stopped not far from him. Then der Buddha proceeded to ask the Mönche their names, und noticing that the fisherman himself expected to be gefragt, he asked ihm his. On learning that it was Ariya, der Buddha suggested to ihm that he was unworthy of the name, because a real Ariya never injured any living thing. At the end of the discourse the fisherman wurde a sotāpanna. DhA.iii.396-8.
3. Ariya.-Ein Pacceka Buddha erwähnt in the list of the Isigili Sutta. M.iii.70; auch ApA.i.107.
1. Ariya Sutta.-The sieben bojjhangas, if cultivated, lead to the Ariyan qualities which conduce to salvation (ariyāniyyānikā). S.v.82.
2. Ariya Sutta.-The vier satipatthānas, if cultivated, lead to the utter destruction of ill. S.v.166.