1. Asadisa.-Der Bodhisatta geboren als the Sohn von Brahmadatta, König of Benares. Brahmadatta was auch the name of Asadisa's Bruder. When the Vater died, das Königreich was offered to Asadisa, aber he refused it und handed it over to sein Bruder. Finding that sein presence in die Stadt was causing anxiety to the latter, he left Benares und entered into the service of another König, as archer. He attained great fame by sein wonderful feats of archery. Once he brought down a mango mit the downward shot of an arrow, which, in its upward flight, reached the realm of the Cātummahārājikā, whence it was turned back by another arrow, which, having accomplished its purpose, rose to Tavatimsa.
Später, on hearing that sieben kings had beleaguered sein Bruder's Königreich, Asadisa shot an arrow, bearing a message, into the dish from which the kings were eating, und they all fled.
He soon afterwards wurde an Asket und at sein death was born in the Brahma world. J.ii.86-92.
2. Asadisa.-Ein Brahmanen village, the residence of Sunettā who gab Milch Reis to der Buddha Siddhattha. BuA.185.