Der Bodhisatta was born in Rājagaha und wurde known as Sankhasetthi, worth eighty crores. He had a friend, Piliyasetthi, in Benares, equally wealthy. Piliya having lost all sein wealth, sought the assistance of Sankha, who gab ihm one-half of all sein possessions. Später, Sankha, himself becoming bankrupt, went mit seiner Frau to Benares to seek help from Piliya; the latter, however, dismissed ihm mit half a quarter of pollard. On the way back Sankha was recognised by an erstwhile servant of sein whom he had given to Piliya. This servant befriended Sankha und seiner Frau, und mit der Hilfe von sein companions, brought to der König's notice Piliya's ingratitude. Der König, having tried the case, wished to give all Piliya's wealth to Sankha, aber at the latter's request restored to ihm nur what he had, in Tage of prosperity, given to Piliya.
Die Geschichte is related in reference to Devadatta's ingratitude. J.i.465-9.