Der Bodhisatta was geboren als a Brahmanen in Benares und wurde an Asket. In the course of his wanderings he once travelled mit a Kaufmann caravan. The caravan halted for the night, aber while the Kaufmanns slept, der Asket spent sein time pacing up und down. Robbers, coming to plunder the caravan, were prevented from so doing by the watchfulness of der Asket. The next day the Kaufmanns, discovering what bad happened, asked ihm if he had felt no fear at the sight of the robbers. "The sight of robbers causes what is known as fear nur to the rich. I am penniless, why should I be afraid?" he answered.

After death he was born in the Brahma world.

Die Geschichte was told to an upāsaka of Sāvatthi who had likewise prevented a caravan from being robbed. "In guarding himself a man guards others; in guarding others he guards himself." J.i.332-4.

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