1. Atimuttaka.-A cemetery near Benares, where robbers used to deposit their stolen goods. Two Asketen, Mandavya und Dīpāyana, lebte there. J.iv.28f.

2. Atimuttaka.-A novice, nephew of Sankicca. On sein way to sein parents to obtain, at Sankicca's behest, permission for the higher ordination, he was attacked by thieves; he was set free on promising not to mention their whereabouts. Später, he saw sein parents take the same road, aber refrained from warning them on account of sein promise. The thieves, marvelling at sein integrity, wished to be ordained unter him. He took them to Sankicca und later on to der Buddha. DhA.ii.252-3; SA.i.44-5; aber siehe ThagA.ii.11f., where sein encounter mit the thieves is erwähnt as having taken place after he wurde arahant. The rest of the story auch is different.

In Atthadassi's time he was ein reicher householder und held great almsgivings for the Mönche after der Buddha's death (Ap.i.88).

He is erwähnt as one who shone in the assembly of relatives (SA.i.45). His name is often spelt Adhimuttaka.

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