1. Atthadassī.-The vierzehnth of the zwanzig-four Buddhas. He was born in Sobhana in the Sucindhanu pleasaunce, sein parents being Sāgara und Sudassanā (Bu.xv.; BuA.178ff). He was so called because at sein Geburt people recovered long-buried treasures. His wife was Visākhā und sein Sohn Sena (Sela according to der Buddhavamsa Kommentar). He lebte for 10,000 Jahre as a householder in drei palaces - Amaragiri, Suragiri und Girivāhana. He left home on ein Pferd called Sudassana. His penance lasted acht Monate, und sein meal of milk-rice was given by a nāga woman, Sucindharā. A nāga, Dhammaruci, gab ihm the grass which he spread at the foot of the campaka tree, where he reached Enlightenment. His first sermon was preached in the Anomā-park near Anoma. His chief Schüler were Santa, der König's son, und Upasanta, Sohn von the chaplain of Sucandaka. His chief women Schüler were Dhammā und Sudhammā. Abhaya was sein attendant, und sein patrons were Nakula und Nisabha among the laymen, und Makilā und Sunandā among the lay-women. Der Bodhisatta was a jatila, Susīma of Campaka, und he offered der Buddha a canopy of Blumen brought from the deva-world. Atthadassī died at the age of 100,000 Jahre at Anomārāma in Anupama und sein relics were scattered in various places. He appeared in the Mandakappa, in the company of two others, Piyadassī und Dhammadassī. J.i.39.
2. Atthadassī. A Thera in Ceylon who, in company mit two others, Buddhamitta und Buddhadeva, asked that the Jātakatthakatha be written (J.i.1; Gv.68). He was wahrscheinlich an incumbent of the Mahāvihara in Anurādhapura. Siehe Pāli Lit. of Ceylon, 125.
3. Atthadassī.-One of the mythological kings of Kapilavatthu. Dip.iii.41.
4. Atthadassī.-A Thera in Ceylon, supposed by some to be der Autor of the Bhesajjamañjūsā und to have been the head of the Pañca-mūla parivena. Pāli Lit. of Ceylon, 215.