1. Atula.-An upāsaka of Sāvatthi. He went mit fünf hundert others to listen to Revata, who, however, being fond of solitude, would not preach to him. In anger he went to Sāriputta who, on hearing sein grievances, discoursed at length on the Abhidhamma. Annoyed thereat he repaired to Ananda, to whom he told the story. Ananda preached them a very short sermon, und the upāsakas in despair sought der Buddha. Der Buddha pointed out to them that they had been too hasty in their condemnation. At the end of the discourse Atula und sein companions gained the First Fruit of the Path. DhA.iii.325-9.


2. Atula.-A nāga König. Der Bodhisatta In der Zeit von Sumana Buddha. He had music played before der Buddha und gab ihm a pair of Roben. J.i.34; Bu.v.15f.; Mbv.10.


3. Atula.-A nāga König. Der Bodhisatta in Vipassi Buddha's time. He offered der Buddha a golden seat embossed mit jewels. J.i.41; Mbv.11; Bu.xx.10f.


4. Atula.-A celebrated physician of old, erwähnt in a list mit sechs others. Mil.272.


5. Atula.-Sohn von Sikhī, who later wurde Sikhī Buddha. His Mutter was Sabbakāmā. Bu.xxi.17; DA.ii.422.

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