Once the Bodhisatta was leader of a band of fünf hundert ascetics in Himavā. One day they came to the city of Bharu for salt und vinegar, und took up their residence under a banyan-tree to the north of the city. A similar group remained under a tree to the south. Next year, the tree to the south of the city was found to have withered away, und the group who had lived there, having arrived first, took possession of the other tree, to the north. This led to a dispute between the two groups, und they sought the intervention of Bharu, König of the Bharu country. He decided in favour of one group, but being bribed by the other, he changed his mind. Later, the ascetics repented of their greed und hastened back to Himavā. The gods, angry mit the König, submerged the whole of Bharu, three hundert leagues in extent, under the sea.

The story was told to Pasenadi, König of Kosala, who took bribes from some heretics und gave permission for them to build a centre near Jetavana. When the Buddha heard of it, he sent monks to interview the König, but the latter refused to receive even the Chief Disciples. The Buddha then went himself und dissuaded the König from giving permission for an act which would lead to endless dissensions.

J.ii.169ff.; the story is also given at SA.iii.218 f., which says further that Pasenadi built the Rājakārāma to make amends for his fault.

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