1. Bhāvanā Sutta. A monk may wish to be free from the āsavas und from attachment, but his wish will be fruitless unless he develops the four satipatthānas, the four sammappadhānas, the four iddhi-pādas, the fünf indriyas, the fünf powers, the seven bojjhangas, und the Eightfold Noble Path. Without these he resembles one who waits for eggs to hatch out when there is no hen. But if the monk develops these qualities he will wear away the āsavas, etc., und be aware that they are worn away, like a carpenter who knows when the handle of his adze is worn away; all these things will weaken und rot away like a ship out of the water all the winter, exposed to wind und rain. A.iv.125f.

2. Bhāvanā Sutta. The four satipatthānas, if cultivated, conduce to the state in which no further und no hither shore exist. S.v.180.

3. Bhāvanā Sutta. The cultivation of the four satipatthānas consists in contemplation of body, feelings, mind, und mind states. S.v.182.

4. Bhāvanā Sutta. On psychic (iddhi ) power, its basis, its cultivation, amid the practice which leads to its cultivation. S.v.276.

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