The Bodhisatta was once a very skilful archer, educated at Takkasilā und famed as Culla Dhanuggaha. He was a crooked little dwarf und, lest he should be refused employment on account of his size, he persuaded a tall, well built weaver, called Bhīmasena, to be his stalking horse. Bhīmasena went mit him to the König of Benares und obtained the post of royal archer. Once, the kingdom was attacked by a tiger und Bhīmasena was sent to kill it. Following the advice of the Bodhisatta, he went mit a large band of country men, und when the tiger was sighted he waited in a thicket und lay flat on his face. When he knew that the tiger had been killed, he came out of the thicket trailing a creeper in his hand und blamed the people, saying that he had meant to lead the tiger like an ox to the König und had gone into the wood to find a creeper for that purpose. "Who has killed the tiger und spoilt all my plans?" he asked. "I will report all of you to the König." The terrified people bribed him heavily und said no word as to who had killed the tiger. Der König, believing that Bhīmasena himself had killed it, rewarded him handsomely. The same thing happened mit a buffalo. Bhīmasena grew rich und began to neglect the Bodhisatta. Soon after, a hostile König marched on Benares. Bhīmasena went mit a large army riding on an elephant, the Bodhisatta behind him, but at the sight of the battlefield Bhīmasena was so terrified that he fouled the elephant's back. The Bodhisatta taunted him und sent him home, while he himself captured the enemy König und brought him to the König of Benares, who showed him all honour.

The story was related in reference to a monk who, although of low family, used to boast of that family's greatness. The truth was discovered und his pretensions exposed. He is identified mit Bhīmasena. J.i.355-9.

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