1. Cakkavatti Sutta (auch called Pacetana Sutta). There war einmal a König called Pacetana who asked sein wheelwright to make a pair of wheels for a battle which was to take place sechs Monate later. When aber sechs Tage remained of this period, nur one wheel had been made, aber the other was finished within the stipulated time. Pacetana thought that both wheels were alike, aber the wheelwright proved to ihm that the one he had made hurriedly was faulty in various ways, owing to the crookedness of its parts. Der Buddha identifiziert himself mit the wheelwright und declared that one must be free from all crookedness in order not to fall away from the Dhamma und the Vinaya. A.i.109f.
2. Cakkavatti Sutta.-With the appearance of a Cakkavatti there appear seven treasures in the world; similarly, mit the appearance of a Tathāgata there appear the sieben treasures of wisdom - mindfulness, searching of the Dhamma, energy, zest, tranquillity, concentration, equanimity. S.v.99. It was auch offensichtlich called Ratana Sutta. Siehe DA.i.250.