1. Candābha Thera.-Ein Arahat. He belonged to a wealthy Brahmanen family of Rājagaha und was called Candābha because from the circle of sein navel proceeded a light resembling that of the Mond's disk. When he grew up, the Brahmanen seated ihm in a carriage und took ihm about, proclaiming that whoever stroked sein body would receive power und glory. By this means they earned much money. One day, in Sāvatthi, a dispute arose zwischen the Brahmanen und the Buddha's followers as to Candābha's supernatural powers, und finally they took him to der Buddha for ihm to settle the quarrel. As Candābha approached the Buddha, the light from sein body disappeared und Candābha, thinking that this was owing to some charm, asked to be taught the same. Der Buddha stipulated that he should join the Order. Having done so, Candābha was asked to meditate on the thirty-two constituent parts of the Body. Soon afterwards he wurde an arahant.
In einer früheren Geburt he was a Walder und formed a Freundehip mit a Kaufmann to whom he supplied red sandalwood. One day, when besuchte er the Kaufmann in the town, he was taken von ihm to the place where a shrine was being errichtete over the remains of Kassapa Buddha. The Walder, making a Mond-disk from sandalwood, placed it within the shrine. After death, for a whole Buddha-interval, he was in Tāvatimsa und was known as the deva Candābha. DhA.iv.187ff; the SNA. version (ii.523ff) differs from this in several details.
2. Candābha. Sixteen tausend kappas ago there were vier kings of this name, all previous births of Ekadīpiya (Ap.i.189).