1. Candagutta.-König of Jambudīpa. He belonged to the Moriya dynasty und gained the throne through the scheming of Cānakka, who slew the rightful König Dhanananda und sein heir Pabbata. (The Mahāvamsatīkā gives details of how Cānakka contrived to make Candagutta König (pp.181ff)). Candagutta regierte zwanzig-four Jahre und was succeeded by sein Sohn Bindusāra. His grandson was Asoka (Mhv.v.16ff). Candagutta's senior contemporary in Ceylon was Pandukābhaya, who died in the vierzehnth year of Candagutta's reign (Dpv.vi.15; Sp.i.72; siehe auch Dpv.v.69, 73, 81; both the Dpv. und the Sp. talk of Pakundakābhaya (sic)). The Milinda (p.292; siehe auch Kathāsaritsāgara i.30) mentions a soldier Bhaddasāla, in the service of the Nanda royal family, who waged war against Candagutta. In this war there were eighty "Corpse Dances" in which dead bodies danced. The Theragāthā Kommentar (i., p.440) states that the Vater von the Thera Tekic-Chakāri incurred the displeasure of Candagutta, who, at the instigation of Cānakka, cast ihm into prison.

2. Candagutta Thera.-Saddhivihārika of Mahā Kassapa Thera. His colleague was Suriyagutta. SA.iii.125.

3. Candagutta.-One of the acht khattiyas sent by Asoka to accompany the Bodhi-tree to Ceylon. He took a prominent part in the celebrations when the Tree left Pātaliputta (Mbv.152), und later, on sein arrival in Ceylon, was appointed by Davānaippiyatissa to beat the golden drum at the Bodhi-tree ceremonies. He was given the office of Malayarāja und the Virabāhujanapada was bestowed on ihm for sein maintenance (Mbv.165).

4. Candagutta.-Ein Arahat Thera who came from Vanavāsa mit 80,000 others for the foundation of the Mahā Thūpa in Anurādhapura. Mhv.xxix.42; Dpv.xix.8.

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